when the coronavirus hit gran canaria in march 2020, we stood with a bar full of goods. how could we now sell our beer stock?
we are building a webshop and selling the beer online! easier said than done, but after lots of hours and late nights, we were able to open the swedish bar’s webshop.
now we understand that this is our new life.
aftonbladet did an article about us when they forced us to close the swedish bar.
now we are here and we help other companies and organizations to be visible online and sell their products through a fancy web store.
with personal service, great commitment, we help you create responsive websites and seo optimized webshops.
we want to help you!
contact us now!
web design and builder
from jönköping sweden, she likes music, good food, drinks and apple products.
in gran canaria since 2014. previous projects: akademien, på strand, the swedish bar
favorite quote,
“when people talk shit about you, then you know you’re having fun”
rosa reklam, web design with personal service and great commitment, we help you with your websites, web shops and seo – search engine optimization.